California Dogface Butterfly Stamps 2019
- Product Code: CDBSTNMFPS
The 'dogface' name comes from a wing pattern resembling a dog's face (some think it looks like a poodle) which is found on the male of the species. Its wings are an iridescent bluish-black, orange and sulfur- yellow in color. The female has a small black dot on each of its yellow fore- wings. The typical fore-wing length is between 22 and 31 millimeters (0.87 and 1.22 in). In late 2009, the USPS unveiled the first butterfly stamp for greeting card envelopes that required additional postage (an extra 20¢) than the standard one-ounce rate covered. This would apply to envelopes that couldn’t be sorted on the USPS’s automated equipment, otherwise known as “nonmachinable.”