Each fall, millions of gardeners bury bulbs in the earth, eagerly anticipating the rewards that springtime will bring. Months later, thick green leaves poke through the soil, soon revealing their payload: tulip blossoms in spectacular variety from prim to ostentatious. These new stamps from the U.S. Postal Service feature closeup views of 10 different tulips in a rainbow of colors.
- Issue: Tulip Blossoms Stamps
- Item Number: 684200
- Forever 63¢ | Multiple Stamp Designs
- First-Class Mail Forever
- Format: Double-sided Booklet of 20 (10 designs)
- Issue Date & City: April 5, 2023, Woodburn, OR 97071
- Art Director: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
- Designer: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
- Artist: Denise Ippolito
- Modeler: Sandra Lane/Michelle Finn
- Manufacturing Process: Offset
- Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
- Press Type: Alprinta 74
- Stamps per Booklet: 20
- Print Quantity:500,000,000 stamps
- Paper Type: Phosphor Tagged Paper, Block
- Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
- Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
- Stamp Orientation: Vertical
- Header: “Tulip Blossoms” Twenty First-Class Forever Stamps • ©2022 USPS in peel strip area • Barcode • USPS logo • Promotional text • Plate number in peel strip area